Unlock the power of AI-powered market insights with Market Logic

We are committed to powering your business through valuable market insights. Our category-leading products and services have helped countless enterprises organize their market research and develop that research into cutting-edge insights that drive engagement across all business functions.

Marketing team contemplating market insights, automated workflows, market research, self-service answers, and everything else DeepSights has to offer | Market Logic

Trusted by 100,000+ insights and business professionals around the world

Marketing professional thinking about Market Logic’s Digital Insights Workspace | Market Logic

Get relevant answers instantly with DeepSights™

What once took five hours, now takes five minutes

It’s a Friday afternoon, and you urgently need answers about how inflation is impacting spending – in time for your meeting on Monday morning. Rather than spend hours pouring through shared drives to find the information you need, a simple search on your insights platform instantly pulls and summarizes relevant information across internal documents, external news, and multiple file types. Even better, you can ask natural-language questions using DeepSights™, your generative-AI assistant that gives you synthesized, cited answers from trusted sources in seconds. You’ll be more than prepared for your Monday meeting, without staying late Friday night.

We’ve seen large corporations easily save more than 10,000 hours per year searching for consumer and market insights.

Read Visa case study to learn how Visa achieved positive ROI on their insights platform in less than a year.

Novartis case study
Marketing professional in wheelchair waving in front of Market Logic’s Digital Insights Workspace | Market Logic

Keep stakeholders up-to-date

Feed business teams with consumer insights at the speed of the market

Stop giving your business teams long reports they don’t read…instead, bust through information-overwhelm with the most current consumer and market insights tailored to your stakeholders’ roles and interests. Market Logic’s insights management software makes it easy for insights experts to send targeted, enriched insights that are fit for purpose, meaning your stakeholders have the information they need when they need it, and your business can outpace disruptions and trends with winning insights-driven decisions, on time and at scale.

Read the ColPal story to see how Colgate transforms trends knowledge into actionable insights at scale.

Book demo
Marketing professional smiling while holding her phone in front of Market Logic’s Digital Insights Workspace | Market Logic

Use market research that propels projects forward

Reduce research spend and banish time-waste by using the market insights  you already have

Your team is being asked to deliver double the insights with half the budget, so efficient workflows are more important than ever. One of the fastest ways to deliver consumer and market insights to the business is to leverage insights you already own. With a 360-degree view of your knowledge assets, your teams can easily search, find, and re-use insights from past research, syndicated sources, videos, or any other internal or external source.

When it’s time for new research, Market Logic Software automatically checks research briefs against your research repository to prevent duplication and identify knowledge gaps, so your teams save time and commission only the research they need. Meanwhile, your teams can easily configure research workflows with approvals, best-practice templates, and agency rosters.

Market Logic Software helps you know what you know, so you can reduce research spend by up to 20%.

See how Dyson delivers the big picture by collecting all their research in one accessible place.

Dyson & Ipsos Webinar
Marketing professional kneeling and looking up towards Market Logic’s Digital Insights Workspace | Market Logic

Turn trusted market insights into relatable stories

“Why do my insights keep getting lost in translation?”

Transform intelligence into consumer and market insights that align, delight, and inspire decision makers to spot opportunities, translate them into winning strategies, and consider all the facts before acting. Market Logic insights software equips your insights experts with easy-to-use storytelling tools that present intelligence in a memorable way so your marketing and insights teams can easily understand and apply the insights they need.

We help turn insights experts from librarians into storytellers. Using our collaborative knowledge zones, you can create compelling insights that increase the usage of consumer and market insights in daily decision making by 60%.

Learn more about best practices for storytelling at Philips.

Book demo
Marketing professional shrugging in approval in front of Market Logic’s DeepSights demo | Market Logic

Market insights at the fingertips of every business leader

DeepSights™  “The first AI assistant for trusted market insights”

Have you ever wished you could read through thousands of reports and come up with synthesized, trustworthy answers to your stakeholder’s business questions in seconds?

We’ve got you covered. DeepSights™ is the first generative-AI assistant of its kind developed for just that. Let your business stakeholders ask natural language questions and get natural language answers directly from their standard business chat and email. DeepSights™ responds with complete, fully synthesized answers, citing knowledge sources your company trusts. It’s even multilingual, so you can converse in whatever language you choose and make siloed knowledge due to language barriers a thing of the past. Download the product overview to learn more about DeepSights™.

Philips case study

DeepSights really enables us by reaching more people, driving accessibility, and getting smarter, better answers.

Matthew Blacknell

Global DComm Customer & Shopper Insights at Mars

The usage of DeepSights is significantly correlated with a reduction of spend on market research.

Joseph Pisari

Knowledge Management Team Lead at Novartis

To know what we know about a business question could take days... but now we can see the information and sources in DeepSights and save a lot time.

Marc Röhder

Senior Business Analyst, Business Insights & Retail Intelligence Team

DeepSights is really amazing at connecting insight silos... and that really helps to build intellectual capital and get much more powerful, much more informed answers.

Matthew Blacknell

Global DComm Customer & Shopper Insights at Mars

The Insights Hub is the connective tissue for insights across our business, delivering fast access across corporate marketing and three business lines: nutrition, diabetes care and established pharmaceuticals.

Now our Business teams have all the facts in front of them before when they need to make a decision.

Explore more of Market Logic:

We have a suite solutions for knowledge management, answering business questions, and aligning and inspiring your business

Knowledge capture

Integrate all relevant company, paid and public data into a one-stop repository

Insights development

Create contextual & actionable insights from existing and newly researched knowledge

Business engagement

Engage with business users to satisfy the information needs for the decisions