Unlock market insights value with DeepSights™ API

Transform the business impact of your market research data and knowledge.

Automate more insights usage with AI-to-AI integrations

End-user app integrations

Provide immediate end-user access to insights from any business application.

Link to specialist AIs

Feed insights into downstream AI concept generators and other special purpose AIs.

Connect to general AIs

Complement Microsoft Copilot and other general AIs by running insights tasks securely.

Create custom connections

Architect safe and reliable knowledge retrieval with any key business apps.

Leverage market knowledge at scale

Boost creativity with insights

AI-to-AI integrations allow you to feed valuable insights into other systems.

Go from exploring an idea to generating concepts in just a couple of clicks.

1. Ask DeepSights™ questions to explore a specific market
2. Generate a summary report addressing the topic
3. Generate multiple concepts leveraging insights from the DeepSights™ report.

Inject insights into operations

Seamlessly integrate valuable market intelligence into your business systems with DeepSights™ API.

Empower your business with better-informed decision-making processes and watch insights usage skyrocket.

Increase productivity by using the API to drive AI-to-AI communication.

Keep your data clean

General purpose AIs are at risk of pushing poor quality responses about market knowledge into workflows.

Ensure market data and analysis you share automatically is reliable by tasking DeepSights™ with uncovering insights that answer your market questions.

Use AI-to-AI integrations to pass accurate, trustworthy insights on into wider workflows.

Rely on quality knowledge to power informed business decisions at scale.

Streamline your workflows

Enhance corporate search

Power up your corporate search tools with DeepSights™ APIs.

Ensure employees can easily access key knowledge assets directly from their enterprise search or knowledge management systems.

Rely on DeepSights™ to extract relevant, context-sensitive data every time.

Automate data ingestion and extraction

Simplify your workflows by building integrations with any source system.

Use the API to automatically upload and index documents. Download documents including their AI generated metadata into other applications automatically.

Why developers choose DeepSights™ API

Insights expertise

DeepSights'™ proprietary AI technology is tailored specifically exploring insights knowledge. We ensure high-quality responses every time unlocking the value of your market knowledge.


Our high-performance infrastructure, efficiently handles large volumes of data using advanced data processing.


APIs support application growth with scalable options so you can adjust to increasing demands smoothly.

Link to specialist AIs

Our APIs are easy to set up with clear, comprehensive documentation.


We give you the freedom to tailor solutions to meet the specific needs of your applications and business context.