
May 24, 2018

MR Summit 2018: Insights Democratization with Imperial Brands

Jamie Rayner, Insights Lead at Imperial Brands and ‘champion’ of their cognitive insight platform, spoke on 24th May 2018 London at the Market Research Summit, how his global insights team has deployed advanced technology to democratize insights planning, ensure ethical conduct of research across dozens of regulatory environments and achieve efficiencies by preventing research duplication. Delegates heard first-hand how Imperial Brands successfully launched the platform and changed corporate behaviour by humanizing the technology under their own ‘Knowledge Connect’ brand. Delegates heard how ‘Knowledge Connect’ powered by Market Logic Software, automates research activities across 100+ countries in 20+ regional clusters while publishing the latest results alongside a backlog of 1,000s of research projects. In a live software demo, Jamie and Elizabeth P. Morgan, Market Logic co-founder showed: Over 250 insight and research practitioners gathered for the Market Research Summit 2018 on the 24th of May in London, to spend the day in learning and collaborative discussions.Register with Market Research Summit