Take a self-guided tour of DeepSights™

Gen AI for insights assistant DeepSights

Video 1

How to quickly find answers to business questions

Extract insights with AI using natural language, summarize key findings, and export comprehensive reports.

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Video 2

How to integrate insights with enterprise GPT

Access insights via enterprise GPT and engage with content in a conversational style through seamless API integration.

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Video 3

How to access knowledge through business apps

Chat with DeepSights™ directly from MS Teams, Google Chat, Slack, and email.

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Video 4

How to connect your knowledge repository

Integrate MS SharePoint and Google Drive for automated, up-to-date access to organizational knowledge.

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DeepSights WorkSpace for Experts

Video 1

How to share market intelligence quickly

Leverage AI-powered tools to create and distribute automated newsfeeds, announcements, and newsletters.

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Video 2

How to create compelling insight stories

Use AI-assisted curation tools to edit, publish, and maintain micro-sites (Knowledge Zones) filled with curated knowledge and insights.

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