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World-leading companies have corporate networks. This isn’t new. But how can you find your way around the diverse internal software and tools landscape? With all the different links, URLs, logins and passwords, it’s impossible to remember every single detail. If the system is a hassle to access, then marketers aren’t going to use it. That’s a fact.

So how do you make sure your marketers can actually find your insights platform? Here are 4 ways to make it happen:

  • Single Sign-On. No one has the time nor patience to remember another difficult password (and user governance is essential to guarantee your valuable insights are only seen by authorized staff). So what exactly is Single Sign-On and how does it work? To put it simply, it’s an authentication method. It means you do not need to manually enter your username or password; it’s automatic. Your user/login data is stored in an AD (active directory). When you open the browser and enter the system, it checks in the AD to make sure you are authorized to see your insights.
  • Remembering login details isn’t the only struggle; long URLs are also challenging. I suggest working with your IT department to get your system set as a default browser landing page. Or you could directly place a default link on all desktops. In addition, train your users to bookmark the URL of your insights platform in their orientation training. It’s one simple step that saves future time and effort.
  • Having an already established presence in frequently used software and tools is key. Promote your platform with banner links on your corporate intranet Digital Asset Management system and Salesforce.
  • Finally, don’t forget mobile phones and iPads. Our clients find that marketers and executives are much more inclined to ask “what do we know about…?” questions in their downtime at airports or on the road. Having easy access to your insights platform on electronic devices means more usage. If it’s easily accessible, it will be used.

Do you have any creative ideas on making sure your system is used? We’d love to exchange thoughts.