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Key Consumer Trends for 2020

Key Consumer Trends for 2020

From Wechat to WeWork and Grab to Gangnam Style, this last decade rewrote consumer expectations in radical ways. Stepping into a new decade, the pace of innovation and disruption shows no signs of slowing. Are you ready?

Acacia Leroy, TrendWatching’s Asia Head of Trends & Insights in Singapore, gave attendees a sneak peek into the key Asian consumer trends that represent the biggest opportunities for businesses across all industries in 2020. Acacia dove into two trends – ATOMIZED EXPERIENCES and THE GOOD POLICE – for a quick taste of where consumers are heading to next in Asia.

Prasad Shinde, Director at Ipsos Singapore, then deep-dived into key trends for the food & beverage market, leveraging learnings from thousands of consumer interviews on the changing food culture and role of food in consumer’s lives thanks to delivery, convenience and packaging innovation.

But staying abreast of breaking news and early warning signals for all these trends involves navigating a huge volume of data and research. Andrea Villani, VP Asia Pacific at Market Logic, explained how AI-powered platforms make this possible. You’ll also see why Forrester (Q4 2019) named Market Logic a leader for its knowledge graph and AI capabilities which help innovators, marketers and researchers to leverage insights at the maximum possible speed.


  • Acacia Leroy, Asia Head of Trends & Insights, TrendWatching
  • Prasad Shinde, Director, Ipsos
  • Andrea Villani, Vice President APAC, Market Logic