Market Logic Joins Google Cloud Marketplace

Market Logic has expanded its partnership with Google Cloud and joins the Google Cloud Marketplace to offer a more seamless experience for its clients

Google Cloud Partner Market Logic Software

Market Logic Joins Google Cloud Marketplace

Market Logic is pleased to announce our official listing on Google Cloud Marketplace. This announcement furthers Market Logic Software’s existing, multi-year partnership with Google Cloud, and promises a fully unified experience for software procurement.

“Making insights management more accessible is a top-of-mind business priority for organizations across industries today. With Market Logic’s solution now available on Google Cloud Marketplace, customers will have a new way to easily share insights to stakeholders for a fully unified experience for software procurement.”

Dai Vu

Managing Director, Marketplace & ISV GTM Programs, Google Cloud

Benefits to Software Procurement on Google Cloud

“Launching Market Logic on Google Cloud Marketplace is an incredible opportunity to make insights management more accessible to a wider audience. We are excited to continue collaborating with Google Cloud so that we can deliver a better experience and better solutions to our clients across the globe.”

Dirk Wolf

CEO of Market Logic Software