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We are pleased to be included in the Forrester Research report “New Tech: Market and Competitive Intelligence (M&CI) Solutions, Q1 2019.” The report names Market Logic among new tech vendors in the late stage maturity category for market and competitive intelligence solutions.

Mining the tsunami of market and competitor information

Forrester states that intelligence professionals “find value in … AI-assisted data and information gathering and organizing capabilities.” The report also notes that firms are looking for M&CI solutions to “mine the tsunami of available information about markets and competitors online.” Market Logic was recognized for the venture funding it received in 2017 to finance its plans for AI enhancement to its market insights platform. For Forrester, the funding level criterion is “indicative of third-party validation for the product’s potential.”

Among giants

Forrester evaluated 27 new tech brands, including software platform vendors, hybrid providers and primarily service providers. The criteria that determined Market Logic’s positioning as one of five vendors in the late stage maturity category included funding level, number of customers, size of workforce and company tenure.

Our CEO Kay Iversen welcomed the report as confirmation of the team’s “vision, commitment and track record developing AI technologies that help companies run an insights-driven business.” He pointed out that Market Logic delivers “a holistic knowledge graph that understands your industry and business to connect the dots across content. As a result, any employee can self-service answers to their questions and get relevant intelligence without the noise.”

Industry professionals, supercharged

In the New Tech report, Forrester says “AI supercharges M&CI platforms” and that “emerging competitive intelligence platforms augment human intelligence with AI assist, including machine learning, text analytics and cognitive search.” Capabilities noted by Forrester in their solutions definition included AI-assisted collection, curation and auto-tagging content from internal and external sources. These are all included standard in Market Logic solutions.

According to Kay, Market Logic’s AI technology “means M&CI professionals can stop wasting time playing librarians to many, to focus attention on delivering strategic advice as trusted advisors to key stakeholders and the C-suite”.

The Market Insight Platform is an easy way to bring all incoming news and content together to deliver a comprehensive view of markets and competitors. The platform uses AI technology to equip thousands of stakeholders to self-serve the news they need, without the noise.

This frees up time and resources for experts to focus on curating content that helps stakeholders understand the bigger picture to anticipate change.