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Building the right AI skills in your insights team

Building the right AI skills in your insights team

Your guide to becoming an AI insights-driven organization –
Part 3

In order to thrive in the ever-changing world of consumer trends, your company needs to adapt swiftly to unexpected changes and shifts in the market, consistently staying ahead of competitors through innovation. Discover how to achieve this with the help of AI and generative AI, applied to reliable market intelligence.

How does this guide help you?

In part 3 of our guide, we’ll delve into another crucial component of the AI-insights-powered organization: The people. How are the roles changing in the new AI for insights enterprise, and what should you be mindful about? To conclude, we share practical tips from our experts on the next actionable steps to take, so that you can be well on your way to transform your business — and reap the benefits of operating with an AI for insights-driven model.

What is included?

Download part 3 of our guide to learn:

  • People and AI skills: How the roles are changing
  • Getting started: Practical tips for building a winning AI-powered insights strategy

Our guide offers actionable strategies for seamlessly integrating AI into your enterprise, bolstered by state-of-the-art AI for insights technology. It’s divided into three sections, allowing you to opt for one specific guide, or to access all of them. Here’s what we’ll delve into:

Part 1 

  1. Introduction – Exploring AI: the turbocharger for solid insights-driven decisions   
  2. AI for Insights vision – Transforming into an insights-driven enterprise  

Part 2 (out in February 2024)

  1. Systems architecture and processes – The business impact of implementing AI
  2. The tech– Where does it start and where does it end?

Part 3 (out in March 2024)

  1. People and AI skills – AI skills and human collaboration: How the roles are changing
  2. Build a winning AI insights strategy – What next? Get the experts’ actionable next steps.