
March 30, 2022

3 insights management trends to capitalize on in 2022

In 2022, agile workflows are the norm. Teams have become distributed across business functions and offices, and digital transformation has opened up new avenues in omnichannel marketing. The “future of work” is here, so how do you ensure that your insights team is keeping pace with these developments?

Effective management of your company insights is now more important than ever. If you’re looking to improve your organization’s customer-centricity and stay ahead of the game in 2022, leverage these three trends in insights and knowledge management. 

1. Collaboration in the cloud: Keep your knowledge flowing and your people connected

The hybrid workplace is here to stay, and that means remote teams need seamless cloud-based knowledge management and collaboration tools so they can easily access customer insights and make smart business decisions from anywhere. 

In fact, more than two-thirds of large companies stated that they would be decreasing the amount of office space used in 2022, according to a recent KPMG survey. Embracing virtual work means embracing new tools for digital collaboration.

In a hybrid workplace, opportunities to tap your colleague on the shoulder, or meet in the boardroom are limited. However, your marketing and sales professionals still need simple ways to get their insights questions asked and answered before make decisions. You can think of this like creating “virtual watercooler moments”, like Vodafone did with its insights platform “VIC”, so your business teams never miss a beat in this pandemic-transformed world.

2. Tap into your insights gold mine with a “single source of truth” for business decisions

According to a Gartner survey about 2022 trends, “74% of respondents say improving content and knowledge delivery is ‘important’ or ‘very important,’” but the biggest challenge is keeping information up-to-date and creating a single source of truth.  

So how do you create a single source of truth your business can rely on? First, you need to capture your knowledge, and that means leveraging your insights ecosystem to connect all your corporate data sources—no matter where they live. 

Creating a single source of truth for your business is all about tapping into every internal and external knowledge source you own with a single-sign-on, one-stop-shop system. Proper insights management means that everyone in your organization can access the same information, and tell the same story. 

3. Beyond search: Engage your business and connect insights to decision making 

Your single source of truth for customer insights doesn’t stop at simply creating a repository of company knowledge. Once you’ve captured your knowledge, you have to activate it, and that means engaging your businesspeople and connecting insights with decisions that keep your business innovative and competitive.

IDC predicts that “due to investment in knowledge networks that turn structured/unstructured data into findable actionable knowledge,” 25% of the large enterprises included in their study will see a 20% improvement in information usage by 2026.

But actionable knowledge is about more than providing your teams with a search function to sift through huge amounts of information. The last thing you want is for your sales and marketing professionals to type their question into your knowledge management systems’ search bar only to get swamped by a massive list of content.

Instead, organizations must invest in insights platforms that leverage the right technology for AI-recommended content, intelligent AI-driven search, and AI-Identified surface expertise, all of which will become increasingly important over the next several years.

The solution: end-to-end insights platform to power insights-driven businesses

Normal insights management systems are quickly becoming outdated as workflows and customer needs evolve. But effective and future-proof insights platforms are already here for you to capitalize on these trends and transform all your internal and external corporate intelligence into competitive, insights-driven decisions. 

Our solution offers an end-to-end insights platform that: 

If you’re interested in learning more about how Market Logic powered insights platform can help you run an insights-driven business, don’t hesitate to schedule a demo. Our experts look forward to chatting with you!